The Bilingual Advocacy program was created based on the Spanish-speaking and immigrant community. The following services are what we currently offer.

Hotline calls: We take over the hotline calls from Spanish-speaking callers.

Case management: We provide case management to residential and non-residential clients who speak Spanish. 

Safety planning: We assist our clients in creating an extensive safety plan. 

Work with immigrant survivors: We assist immigrants who struggle adjusting to the US lifestyle and systems.

General advocacy: Due to language barrier, we advocate for clients at several places out in the community, for example; clients’ places of employment, schools, or other organizations.

 Interpretation services: We provide interpretation services for other program staff and clients at Courage Connection. In addition, we provide interpretation services for our clients and other organizations when needed for our clients to receive a service or benefit.

 Court Advocacy: We provide interpretation services for clients and judges at court when requesting an Emergency Order of protection. We also help clients prepare for court including;

  • Translation of their statement from Spanish to English
  • Explanation of the court process
  • Gathering or printing any evidence needed for their hearing

Transportation: We provide transportation for clients to court or other organizations.  

Spanish empowerment and educational group; the dynamics of this group varies from month to month. The group’s purpose is to empower survivors and educate them about domestic violence.

Referrals: We refer Immigrant victims with no legal status in this country to organizations that can help them get immigration relief if they qualify. In addition to immigration needs clients often need legal representation for family cases =we refer them to other non-profit organizations that are able to assist them. 

Collaboration: We work together with other organizations when our clients are in need of other services. We act as interpreters, advocates, and a middle person for communication.