You are not alone.
We are here to help those who face domestic
violence and to encourage their success.
Our Mission
The Courage Connection mission is to ensure everyone in our community has the education, support, and resources to live in safe, healthy relationships.
Get Help
Courage Connection offers domestic violence services to our community.
Get Educated
Courage Connection offers a variety of programs and opportunities to learn more.
Your financial support enables Courage Connection to provide services to individuals and families facing domestic violence.
10 Million
people are abused by an intimate partner every year
- The Courage to be Part of the Change Summit
This summit, hosted by Courage Connection and sponsored by the Community Coalition, will bring together local service providers, first responders, and community stakeholders for education and collaboration. Together we will map a path to enhance resources, reduce stigma, and provide long-term solutions for change. Our goal is to create a safe space free of violence for everyone in our community, by instituting a coordinated response that addresses the barriers and needs of those affected by domestic violence.